Monday, 29 March 2010

Flamingo finished

At long last I finished the flamingo, it was a twelve hour session on saturday to get it fnished but it was worth it. The body was hard because you have to stuff the neck beforehand and its hard to know where to put it, and it twists the wool around. Anyway, I was pretty pleased with myself.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Odd Bod Flamingo Update

She's growing.... knitting in the round isnt so much of a novelty now.... in fact im going to be knitting on 2 needles for a while after this.
Once I've finished I wont have anything to talk about anymore, it's become a big part of my life.
Anyway, on with knitting....

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Odd bod Flamingo

I've started another of the Knitted Odd-Bob Bunch from Donna Wilson's book. Fifi is being knitted for my mum's birthday, she loves flamingo's and this will look great in her pink bedroom.

I've not attempted knitting in the round for a while and had a little help from a fellow Crafty Appler to get going but once I did you couldnt stop me.... ill keep updating as she grows.