So, as I have been digging out all my crafts, I finally found my 'ideas' book, and found alot of interesting collages and picture collections I had put together to inspire my Fairytale Collection, here are just a couple of my favourite pages.....
So, after searching for 2 hours for my sewing machine pedal, I finally got around to sewing my first seam in our new house. Since the say we moved in, ive had my eye on the pair of wooden chairs that came with the place; both had faded sad blue covers, that due to our rental agreement, i can't touch. But I didnt let that stop me, and after purchasing some very lovely fabric from Dunelm Mill this morning, I wipped up some chair covers, and put new life back into those faded old recliners :-)
I also whipped up a cushion with the fabric that was previously covering the old chairs....
It would be fair to say I've had a few distractions since my last post, firstly I would say xmas'08, followed by and long and agonising application process for teacher training and more recently the most stressful and time consuming task.... moving house.
I can happily report that we are much happier in our new pad, and now have enough room to be more creative than ever, its just taken us so long to get here and 2 months to get the place in some sort of order, but now we are ready to begin and hopefully I will have some updates of this v.soon.
In the meantime here are some photos of our new home.